Table Mountain Cape Town, South Africa

The BEST places to park when going to Table Mountain

You’ve read all the articles, you’ve seen all the videos, and now you’re ready to get into your car and head to Table Mountain. But you might be wondering, is there parking at Table Mountain and is it safe?

In this article, I will show you the best places to park, whether you’re going for a ride in the cable car or if you’re braving the elements and hiking to the top.

But first, let’s head to Google Maps…

Parking on Tafelberg Road

The most popular place to park when heading to Table Mountain is along Tafelberg Road which runs along the front face of Table Mountain. Not only does it give you breathtaking views of Cape Town City and Table Bay, but it also gives you lots of opportunities to park. Best of all, parking on Tafelberg Road is free. We’re not going to cover how to get to Tafelberg Road in this article, but you can use the map above to find the best way to get there.

Where to park when heading to the Cable Car

First, a word of warning. When the Cable Car is open and weather conditions are ideal, hundreds of people flock to Table Mountain. A lot of people choose to do this first thing in the morning, so when you arrive at Tafelberg Road you will more than likely see a sea of parked cars.

A more suitable time to visit is from lunchtime when things start to quiet down. The Kloof Corner Parking Area at the beginning of Tafelberg Road is almost always full, so head past it and drive up the winding road to the Lower Cable Station which will be on your right. On your way there, be on the lookout for possible parking spots on your left, and please be aware of pedestrians walking to the Lower Cable Station.

If you’re unable to find any parking, head past the Lower Cable Station, and once again, keep an eye open for open parking spots on your left. There might be open parking spots on your right, but this means that you need to turn around which can prove to be difficult as Tafelberg is a narrow and busy road.

Where to park when heading to Platteklip Gorge

When heading to Platteklip Gorge you need to drive past the Kloof Corner Parking Area, and the Lower Cable Station. Look for the Platteklip Gorge sign on your right. You will find ample parking on the left as this area is not as busy.

Where to park when you’re going sightseeing

There are many spots to park on Tafelberg Road when you want to take in the breathtaking views of the city and its surroundings. The trick here is to find a spot where you can get out of your car and admire the view. For this, I recommend any parking spot you can find from the Lower Cable station until you get to Platteklip Gorge. Once again, find an open parking spot on your left with Table Mountain on your right.

Alternatively, you can take the Hop-On Hop-Off Bus Tour.

Parking Safety Tips

Always be on the lookout for pedestrians on Tafelberg Road. On any given day, lots of people are walking up to the Lower Cable Station so please take care while driving.

After you’ve found your parking spot and you’re on your way to explore Table Mountain, lock your car. Also, make sure that you put all valuables in the boot if you can’t take them with. Don’t leave any items on the seats or where it is visible from outside the car.

Finally, try not to park in a remote area. Even when hiking up Table Mountain, it is always recommended to be near other people who would be able to assist you in case of an emergency.

Jan Pretorius

About the Author

Jan Pretorius is a seasoned writer and an avid explorer with a deep passion for Table Mountain, Cape Town, and its surrounding areas. Having resided in Cape Town since 1995, Jan has dedicated over two decades to hiking and understanding the nuances of Table Mountain. As the author behind, he shares his expert knowledge and insights, offering visitors a comprehensive guide to one of South Africa’s most iconic landmarks. Jan’s writing not only reflects his intimate familiarity with the region but also his commitment to showcasing its beauty and allure to the world.


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