Table Mountain Cape Town, South Africa

Devil's Peak Cape Town

Nestled in the embrace of Cape Town’s dramatic skyline, Devil’s Peak stands as a silent guardian, shrouded in mystery and natural splendor.

This iconic peak, with its alluring name, beckons adventurers and curious souls alike.

In this exploration, we delve into the folklore, history, and challenges surrounding Devil’s Peak, unraveling the enigma that has captivated generations.

Let’s get started.

Why is it called Devil’s Peak? The folk tale about a Dutch man called Jan van Hunks

Devil's Peak Cape Town

The etymology of Devil’s Peak is as intriguing as the mountain itself. Legend weaves a tale around a Dutchman named Jan van Hunks, a character whose existence straddles the line between reality and myth.

According to local folklore, Van Hunks was a pipe-smoking recluse who sought solace on the slopes of Devil’s Peak. It is said that, during one of his contemplative smoke sessions, he encountered a mysterious stranger.

The ensuing pipe-smoking contest between Van Hunks and this enigmatic figure grew so intense that the smoke spiraled into the clouds, shrouding Devil’s Peak. In this ethereal battle, the locals believed that the devil himself had descended upon the mountain.

Hence, the ominous name, Devil’s Peak, stuck, immortalizing the legendary encounter between Jan van Hunks and the devil in the annals of Cape Town’s folklore.

What is the story behind Devil’s Peak Cape Town?

Beyond the mythical origins lies a tangible history etched into the rocky facade of Devil’s Peak.

The peak served as a natural landmark for early Portuguese sailors navigating the treacherous waters around the Cape of Good Hope.

Its formidable presence bore witness to the establishment of a crucial military outpost by the British in the 17th century, a strategic move that left an indelible mark on Devil’s Peak and the surrounding landscape.

As time progressed, the mountain became a canvas for the intertwining tales of indigenous Khoi-San communities, colonial settlers, and the ever-evolving city of Cape Town. Today, Devil’s Peak stands not merely as a geological formation but as a living testament to the intersection of human history and the raw forces of nature.

How long does it take to climb Devil’s Peak?

Embarking on the ascent of Devil’s Peak is a commitment that demands both time and tenacity.

The journey commences from the popular trailhead at Tafelberg Road, winding through a kaleidoscope of fynbos and rocky outcrops. The approximately 3 to 4-hour trek unveils panoramic vistas of Cape Town and its surrounding landscapes.

The rhythm of the ascent, a dance with the elements, echoes the determination required to conquer this natural giant. Intermediate and experienced hikers will find the trail challenging, offering a balance between physical exertion and the meditative rhythm of the climb.

As the altitude increases, so does the sense of accomplishment, making the journey as rewarding as the destination itself.

Is Devil’s Peak a hard hike?

Devil's Peak Cape Town

Devil’s Peak, while enchanting, is no easy feat.

Classified as a moderately strenuous hike, it demands a reasonable level of fitness and a spirit of adventure. The trail encompasses diverse terrains, from lush forests to precipitous slopes, ensuring a dynamic and engaging experience.

The final ascent to the summit, characterized by steep gradients and rocky paths, requires a steady stride and a resilient mindset.

As hikers navigate the narrow trails and overcome natural obstacles, they are not only rewarded with breathtaking views but also with a profound sense of achievement that accompanies conquering the challenges Devil’s Peak presents.

Where is Devil’s Peak located?

Situated on the eastern flank of Table Mountain, Devil’s Peak is an integral component of the Table Mountain National Park.

Geographically, it is positioned at approximately 33.9625° S latitude and 18.4180° E longitude.

Its commanding location provides sweeping views of Cape Town, Table Bay, and the Cape Peninsula, making it a geographical centerpiece that captivates both locals and visitors.

As part of the iconic silhouette alongside Table Mountain and Lion’s Head, Devil’s Peak is a beacon that draws adventurers to explore its heights and unravel the secrets it holds.

How to get to Devil’s Peak

Accessing the ethereal realms of Devil’s Peak requires a blend of determination and logistical planning.

The primary starting point for the ascent is Tafelberg Road, conveniently located near the Table Mountain Aerial Cableway.

Commencing from the city center, travelers can navigate towards the cableway and find Tafelberg Road, marking the beginning of the trail. Whether by private transport or public bus, the journey to Devil’s Peak is a prelude to the adventure that unfolds with each step towards its lofty heights.

A timely departure ensures ample daylight to savor the journey and reach the summit before the sun sets behind the iconic silhouette of Devil’s Peak.


In the shadow of Devil’s Peak, a symphony of myth, history, and natural beauty harmonizes. The legends of Jan van Hunks and the devil’s smoke linger in the air, intertwining with the tangible history etched into the mountain’s slopes.

Devil’s Peak, with its challenging ascent and panoramic rewards, invites explorers to become part of a narrative that transcends time.

As the sun descends, casting a golden glow over the city of Cape Town, the allure of Devil’s Peak persists—a testament to the enduring fascination and timeless mystique that encapsulate this iconic mountain in the heart of South Africa.

Jan Pretorius

About the Author

Jan Pretorius is a seasoned writer and an avid explorer with a deep passion for Table Mountain, Cape Town, and its surrounding areas. Having resided in Cape Town since 1995, Jan has dedicated over two decades to hiking and understanding the nuances of Table Mountain. As the author behind, he shares his expert knowledge and insights, offering visitors a comprehensive guide to one of South Africa’s most iconic landmarks. Jan’s writing not only reflects his intimate familiarity with the region but also his commitment to showcasing its beauty and allure to the world.


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